Our Maths leader is Mrs O’Donnell.
Our Maths curriculum long term programme of study, seen below, provides coverage of the National Curriculum objectives in a cyclical approach to embed each aspect and deepen understanding.
This approach utilises White Rose Maths materials for each year group with an emphasis on revisiting the vital sticky knowledge for each year group to embed fluency skills.
We recognise the importance of revisiting to ensure learning is embedded into the long-term memory of our children.
Across school, we use an 'I do, we do, you do' lesson model which follows Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction, including daily reviews in the form of a 'Rapid Recall', introducing material in small steps, modelling and scaffolding learning and providing pupils with independent practice.
Teachers provide children with appropriately pitched tasks to ensure all children are challenged appropriately.
All teachers follow the Long-Term Plan using steps from White Rose Maths for their year group. This is organised in an interleaved structure, with pupils dipping in and out of topic areas throughout the year until all content is taught by the end of the Summer Term. This organisation promotes pupils with making connections between topics and supports knowledge retention as topics are continuously revisited.
We follow a CPA model in school with all new concepts being introduced with the support of concrete materials, gradually reduced to pictorial representations and finally abstract understanding.
Each year, we hold Maths workshops for parents and carers to help you to understand how Maths is taught at Peel Brow and to allow you to support your child at home.