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Peel Brow School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Fir Street, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lancashire, BL0 0BJ

01706 823204


Pupil Voice

Involving children in the life of school is very important to us at Peel Brow. We aim to do this in as many ways as possible as we value the ideas our children have and the input they make.

Values Ambassadors    

During the first week of each Autumn term children apply for the roles of Values Ambassador during their time in Year 6. They are then interviewed by the Head Teacher before they give a short presentation to the rest of the school.

Once decisions are made Year Six Values Ambassadors work hard to make a difference in our school. They support other children with understanding what the Values look like in day-to-day school life and role model these consistently. Our Values Ambassadors also welcome visitors to our school and they are also given the opportunity to represent the school at events within school and the wider community. Their role will also involve: tallying the Value Merits from the classrooms and adding them to the whole school total; participating in Values assemblies; handing out Values awards and sharing examples of excellent citizens in our school.


Pupil Librarians

Having successfully completed an application and interview for their post, children in Year 5 and 6 promote their love of reading within our school. They support with the purchase of new reading books, keep our book vending machine stocked and create inspirational library displays.


Reading Buddies

Reading buddies are children in Year 5 and 6. They are role models for reading with our younger children; reading to groups in the library and running the lunchtime library club. The most vital part of their role is developing peer reading by acting as buddies for children in EYFS and Year 1, reading to them and listening to them read weekly.


School Council


At Peel Brow, we aim for our School Council to form an important part of school life where all the members play a crucial role in school improvement. We make a concerted effort to give all children a voice, listening to them, respecting and responding to their views which enables them to understand that their opinions count. Through our School Council meetings, we teach the children skills they need to be able to make decisions which impact our school.


At the start of a new academic year, we run an election campaign to vote for two new representatives from each class. After this, the children then vote democratically for who they feel will suit the roles of a School Councillor and represent their class at meetings.

Our school councillors for this academic year are: 

Year 1: Zara

Year 2: L******

Year 3: Dotty

Year 4: Alex

Year 5: Holly

Year 6: Soren and Finlay

The School Council work alongside Mrs O'Donnell to make improvements to the school and the way we do things at Peel Brow. They meet on a regular basis to share and discuss ideas that fellow pupils have suggested to make Peel Brow the best place that it can be. They discuss and vote on issues that they feel are of priority in order for change to happen and discuss how we will achieve our outcomes. All ideas and decisions made in School Council meetings are to be shared with peers by the elected members.


As a result of this, our children will have the knowledge and skills to be able to make appropriate decisions, negotiate and express their opinions respectfully. Pupils experience a democratic vote and show mutual respect and tolerance through this. School Council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account, in decisions which impact upon them which. In turn, this increases pupils’ responsibility, involvement and commitment to the school and the community.